Equine Facilitated Coaching

Change Gait

Experiential Equine-Facilitated exploration of leadership styles.

Master the Art of Embodied Leadership.

Great leaders are defined by who they are not what they do. They project strength without aggression. They inspire confidence without ego. They embrace necessary conflict while maintaining respect. Their intention and their words align. People want to follow them.

Humans did not invent leadership, rather it is the ancient way that herd animals work together to survive. Herd dynamics and team dynamics have much in common. Both horse and human herd want to follow the leader that garners trust and respect. Horses have much to teach us about how to embody true leadership. Their highly developed senses provide an unbiased mirror into the leader within and they challenge us to tap into our inherent greatness.

We provide an opportunity for the herds to join together to explore leadership in a powerful new way that creates an inner shift in perspective and provides lasting results. Our one- and two-day workshops are designed to focus on leadership development or team dynamics. No riding is involved and no prior horse experience is necessary to participate.

Workshop Objectives

  • Exploring the primary leadership styles and their appropriate application
  • Creating mutual trust and respect
  • Setting clear expectations
  • Communicating more clearly and effectively within the team
  • Moving quickly from conflict to resolution
  • Engaging and motivating others around a shared vision